Jewelry Services in
Atlanta, GA
Looking for a quality jewelry services in Atlanta, GA? Visit us at Jewelry Artisans for all of your Jewelry needs.
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Looking for a quality jewelry services in Atlanta, GA? Visit us at Jewelry Artisans for all of your Jewelry needs.
Contact UsHave you been told that your jewelry cannot be repaired? With our expert jewelers and state-of-the-art laser welder, we can perform many repairs that other jewelers cannot. All of our jewelry repairs are done in-house by our skilled and experienced jewelers.
Request an AppointmentHaving your jewelry appraised and insured is one of the most important steps you can take to protect yourself from life’s unexpected situations. We have an independent appraiser who comes weekly, so schedule your appointment today.
Do you have jewelry that you inherited or no longer desire? Bring it to us to buy, consign, or redesign. We buy diamonds, Rolex watches, coins, unwanted jewelry, and silver place settings and serving pieces. After evaluating your items, we may decide that it is in your best interest to consign them. We have been consigning for our clients for over 45 years. If you are interested in redesign, our custom design process will bring new sparkle to your outdated jewelry.
Jewelry Artisans in Atlanta GA has provided exceptional customer service to all clients for more than 45 years. Our expert jewelers are professional and courteous with the technical know-how to even repair pieces declared by others as irreparably damaged.
Call Us Get DirectionsWe warmly invite you to schedule an appointment to meet with one of our talented designers. Enjoy a complimentary initial consultation, where we recommend reserving a one-hour time slot to fully explore your vision. Please note that due to our detailed and meticulous crafting process, most custom designs take between 6 to 8 weeks to complete. This ensures that every piece meets our high standards of perfection.